MBDA Pathway
- Step 1: Initial Checklist
- Step 2: Identify Your Industry Codes
- Step 3: Get Your UEI
- Step 4: Register in SAM and DSBS
- Step 5: Representations and Certifications
- Step 6: Learn About Small Business Certifications
- Step 7: Assess Government Demand for Your Product or Service
- Step 8: Market to Government Agencies
- Step 9: Find Contract Opportunities
- Step 10: Partner with MBDA Hawaii Business Center

Hawaiʻi MBDA Business Center
University of Hawaiʻi, Shidler College of Business
2404 Maile Way, A414b
Honolulu, HI 96822
Telephone: 808.956.0850
Fax: 808.956.0851
E-mail: [email protected]